Custom Built Outdoor Kitchen
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Painted with high-temperature black BBQ paint.
Reverse smoker design uses two plates to transfer smoke and heat.
7.5-ft, 250-gallon tank, 1/4 inch thick steel, 30 inches in height.
Doors have 1-inch x 3/16-inch flat stock around the edges to seal up the pit; no counterweights are needed because they were cut 8" down from the top, dead center, which also cuts down on the weight.
When a door is opened, heat remains in the pit.
Pit will hold a steady temperature all day long.
Grease drain
Roller bar steel handles and steel doorstops.
Four fully removable racks for easy cleaning; bottom racks are roughly 30" x 29"; top racks are 30" x 26".
All cooking surfaces in the pit and firebox are framed with 1-inch by 1-inch square tubing; 3/16-inch thick flat expanded metal was fitted and welded onto the frame.
Temperature Gauges:
Constructed of stainless steel
3 inches in size
Will gauge from 100 to 550 degrees.
2-ft long and 2-ft wide by 1 1/2-ft tall.
Breather for regulating temperature.
Firebox top can also be used as a cooker for beans and sauces.
Smoke Stack:
6-inch (schedule 40).
Stainless steel rain guard
Deluxe Charcoal Grill:
4' x 2' Cooking Surface
Great for Burgers & Hot Dogs
Double Doors for Easy Fire Starting & Clean Up
Six-Gallon Cajun Fryer:
Designed to never burn grease.
Three wire mesh baskets included
Drain valve for easy clean-up!
Stainless Steel LP Grill:
High-end Stainless Steel Grill
Makes grilling fast and easy.
Custom fit stainless steel makes for easy cleaning.
Temperature Control System:
LED Read-out thermostat
2 - 25 CFM Fans mounted to the firebox
This unit will keep the temperature consistent in your pit without lifting a finger
Makes BBQ-ing a breeze.
Custom Star Burner:
Constructed of 3/16-inch plate steel for durability
Low-pressure LP burner.
Large Boiler Station:
1,000,000+ BTU burner
LP Fire Starter:
High-pressure burner welded into the firebox.
High-pressure needle valve.
This option makes getting your fire started a quick and simple task.
LP Plumbing:
20 PSI High-Pressure Regulator
Stainless Steel Cabinet:
Cabinets store LP bottle and kitchen components with plenty of room to spare for cooking utensils and anything else you might need.
Utensil & Paper Towel Holders:
Keeps your utensils and paper towels handy.